TimeRangeAdaptive Bar Chart 2.0
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This chart has the ability to automatically switch between Time Based Seconds Bars and Price Based Range Bars.

(Click on images for larger view)
TimeRangeAdaptive Bar Chart Description
Top Chart in above Image is the TimeRangeAdaptive Bar Chart.
Bottom chart is a standard Seconds Chart with the same time setting of 60 seconds.
Normally, on a time based chart, you pick a middle-of-the-road time-frame to monitor
price action.
When the Time value you picked becomes too fast, you get gaps on the chart.
When the Time value you picked becomes too slow, you get tall bars on the chart.
As price action varied during the day, these “distortions” appear on time charts.
Until now!! Available only on the NinjaTrader platform, introducing the TimeRangeAdaptive Chart. Representing a new level of sophistication in time based price charts.
First, all price movement is included inside bars. This means that there is no price bar gaps when the market is moving slower than your selected time frame.
Also, when the market is moving faster than your selected time frame, this chart program switches from seconds bars to range bars during volatile periods in the market. It then switches back to seconds when the market volatility slows down. While in range mode, the normally “large bar” gets separated into a series of smaller bars based on your selected ticks setting.
There are two things that need to be set when loading this chart.
1. Select the desired time frame per bar in Seconds.
2. Select the Range bar size setting in Price Ticks.
(Note: The Range Bars in this chart use my RangeNoGap Bar coding)
Secondary Series Information( Ninjatrader 7 Only)
This product can now be used as a secondary chart series inside Indicators and Strategies.
Code Examples are as follows…
TimeRangeAdaptive 30 Seconds 4 PriceTicks >>> Add(PeriodType.Custom9, 30004);
TimeRangeAdaptive 12 Seconds 4 PriceTicks >>> Add(PeriodType.Custom9, 12004);
TimeRangeAdaptive 3333 Seconds 12 PriceTicks >>> Add(PeriodType.Custom9, 3333012);
In the image at the top of this page, you can see the amazing difference in this new chart.
Price changes during off hours are clearly readable.
Price surges around news at 08:30 are easily handled when operating in RangeNoGap mode.
I am very excited about this product. I hope you will be too.
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Order Ninjatrader 8 Purchase of this product.